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Nouilles de riz Yunnan 十秒到

open now, until 22:00

Chinese restaurant  
Once upon a time, the wife of a scholar crossed over the bridge everyday to reach a small island named Yunnan in order to deliver to him a noodle soup in a heated earthen pot A beautiful story that lingered over time makes everyone reminisce the past Update description

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Popularity of Nouilles de riz Yunnan 十秒到

Nouilles de riz Yunnan 十秒到 Social Media Popularity Score:
5.3 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in January:
Nouilles de riz Yunnan 十秒到 has a total of 171 visitors (checkins) and 509 likes.